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Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can occur in children whose mothers contracted the rubella virus, sometimes called German measles, during pregnancy…
RubellaRubella in pregnancyRubella virusPregnancyEmbryosIn his 1991 article Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism, Delbert A. Fisher in the US reported on the implementation and impact of mass neonatal…
LiteratureCongenital HypothyroidismNewborn infants--DevelopmentCretinismInfant Health ServicesAnencephaly is an open neural tube defect, meaning that part of the neural tube does not properly close or that it has reopened during early…
fetal developmentFetus--AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsEmbryologyPregnancyCocaine use by pregnant women has a variety of effects on the embryo and fetus, ranging from various gastro-intestinal and cardiac defects to tissue…
CocaineCocaine abusePregnancyEmbryosFetusIn Australia in the 1940s, Norman McAlister Gregg observed a connection between pregnant women who contracted the rubella virus, or German measles,…
LiteratureCataract in childrenRubellaRubella in pregnancyRubella virusJohann Friedrich Meckel studied abnormal animal and human anatomy in nineteenth century Germany in an attempt to explain embryological development.…
PeopleAnatomy, ComparativeEmbryologyBirth Defectsfetal developmentIn 2008 researchers Daniel Warner and Richard Shine tested the Charnov-Bull model by conducting experiments on the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus…
ExperimentsSex DifferentiationReproductionAdaptationfetal developmentCharles Robert Cantor helped sequence the human genome, and he developed methods to non-invasively determine the genes in human fetuses. Cantor…
Human Genome ProjectDNAfetal developmentFetusEmbryosIn 2011, fetal researcher Vivette Glover published “Annual Research Review: Prenatal Stress and the Origins of Psychopathology: An Evolutionary…
LiteratureStress in adolescenceStress in youthPsychological StressPregnancyWilliam Hunter’s Anatomia Uteri Humani Gravidi Tabulis Illustrata (The Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus Exhibited in Figures), hereafter called The…
LiteratureHuman reproductive technologyHuman reproduction in literatureHuman reproduction--Social aspectsHuman reproduction--Congresses