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Edmund Beecher Wilson experimented with Amphioxus (Branchiostoma) embryos in 1892 to identify what caused their cells to differentiate into new types…
Wilson, Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher), 1856-1939AmphioxusEmbryosEmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyMesenchyme is a type of animal tissue comprised of loose cells embedded in a mesh of proteins and fluid, called the extracellular matrix. The loose,…
MesenchymeGastrulationStem CellsMesenchymal Stem CellsEmbryologyBetween February 1969 and August 1970 Edward Kollar and Grace Baird, from the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, published three papers that…
teethEmbryosCell differentiationMesenchymeEpitheliumThe Cell-Theory was written by Thomas Henry Huxley in Britain and published in 1853 by The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. The twenty-…
LiteratureEpigeneticsEmbryologyHuxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895Cellular control mechanismsThe Spemann-Mangold organizer, also known as the Spemann organizer, is a cluster of cells in the developing embryo of an amphibian that induces…
EmbryosAmphibiansSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941EmbryologyGastrulationA germ layer is a group of cells in an embryo that interact with each other as the embryo develops and contribute to the formation of all organs and…
GastrulationEmbryologyCell differentiationEmbryosCellsEctoderm is one of three germ layers--groups of cells that coalesce early during the embryonic life of all animals except maybe sponges, and from…
EmbryosEmbryologyGastrulationCellsTissuesFrederik Ruysch, working in the Netherlands, introduced the term epithelia in the third volume of his Thesaurus Anatomicus in 1703. Ruysch created…
EpitheliumRuysch, Frederik, 1638-1731AnatomyCells--MorphologyHis, Wilhelm, 1831-1904In 1962 researcher John Bertrand Gurdon at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England, conducted a series of experiments on the developmental…
Cell nuclei--TransplantationGenetic EngineeringNuclear TransplantationUniversity College (University of Oxford)Xenopus laevisThe epigenetic landscape is a concept representing embryonic development. It was proposed by Conrad Hal Waddington to illustrate the various…
Waddington, C. H. (Conrad Hal), 1905-1975EpigeneticsCell differentiationEmbryologyDevelopmental Biology