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Portrayed as the Manhattan Project of the late 20th century, the Human Genome Project, or HGP, not only undertook the science of sequencing the human…
ethicsMoralityHuman Genome ProjectGenome Project, HumanOrganizationsThis thesis shows us the history of how some of the first attempts at IVF in humans using various options such as donated egg cells and cryopreserved…
Fertilization in VitroIn vitro fertilizationScience in literatureMedical Laboratory SciencePublicationsDeveloping a codebook of definitions and exemplars of significant text segments and applying it to the collected data revealed several themes. For…
MenstruationMenstrual Hygiene ProductsReproductive HealthHealth educationMenstruation DisturbancesIn the fifteen years between the discovery of fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS, in 1973 and the passage of alcohol beverage warning labels in 1988, FAS…
fetal alcohol syndromeAlcoholism in pregnancyChildren of prenatal alcohol abusepublic healthFederal GovernmentTo Lynn M. Morgan, the Mary E. Woolley Professor of Anthropology at Mt. Holyoke College, nothing says life more than a dead embryo. In her easily…
EssayHuman embryoFetusPublicationsThis thesis explores the impact of Twilight Sleep on women and physicians and their perceptions of childbirth. Twilight Sleep empowered women to take…
LaborChildbirthPhysician-Patient RelationsPhysician Patient RelationshipIn an attempt to discover, analyze, and compile those complex issues with which community health workers should be knowledgeable, this project…
RegulationChildren of prenatal substance abuseHealth PolicyNational Health PolicyDisabled people have historically lacked legal protection and often faced discrimination in healthcare, reproductive rights, education, and more…
Disability studiesLawSpecial EducationAmericans with Disabilities ActDisability LawUntil 2013, the Embryo Project Encyclopedia had not presented images in articles due to the fact that there was no formal protocol for developing…
Digital imagesAuthorship--Style manualsGuideline AdherenceProtocol ComplianceHaeckel believed that the development of an embryo revealed the adult stages of the organism’s ancestors. Haeckel represented this idea with drawings…
TextbooksEmbryosEmbryonic DevelopmentEmbryo DevelopmentPublications