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Frank Rattray Lillie's research on freemartins from 1914 to 1920 in the US led to the theory that hormones partly caused for sex differentiation in…
Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947Intersexuality in animalsFreemartinismHormonesExperimentsThe sex of a reptile embryo partly results from the production of sex hormones during development, and one process to produce those hormones depends…
Sex DifferentiationReproductionAdaptationfetal developmentEmbryologyIn a clinical trial from 1969 to 1972, Sir Graham Collingwood Liggins and Ross Howie showed that if doctors treat pregnant women with corticosteroids…
Liggins, G. C.Adrenocortical hormonesPregnancyRespiratory Distress SyndromePremature InfantsRichard A. Lockshin's 1963 PhD dissertation on cell death in insect metamorphosis was conducted under the supervision of Harvard insect physiologist…