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In the late 1990s researchers Yuk Ming Dennis Lo and his colleagues isolated fetal DNA extracted from pregnant woman’s blood. The technique enabled…
AmniocentesisChorionic Villus SamplingFetusObstetricsDNAIn 2004, a team of researchers at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, investigated the fetal cells that remained in the…
CellsStem CellsMaternal-Fetal ExchangeFetal cells from maternal bloodFetusAdvanced Cell Technology (ACT), a stem cell biotechnology company in Worcester, Massachusetts, showed the potential for cloning to contribute to…
Cell nuclei--TransplantationCloningGaurAdvanced Cell Technology (Firm)EmbryosIn 2010, a team of US researchers concluded that the more peanuts a pregnant woman ate during her pregnancy, the more likely her newborn was to be…
ExperimentsReproductionPregnancyFetusIn a clinical trial from 1969 to 1972, Sir Graham Collingwood Liggins and Ross Howie showed that if doctors treat pregnant women with corticosteroids…
Liggins, G. C.Adrenocortical hormonesPregnancyRespiratory Distress SyndromePremature Infants