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In 2005, the organization Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, or ACRJ, published “A New Vision for Advancing Our Movement for Reproductive…
LiteratureReproductive RightsReproductive Health ServicesReproductive HealthCommunication in reproductive healthIn 1971, a group of researchers founded the Monash IVF Research Program with the mission to discover how in vitro fertilization, or IVF, techniques…
OrganizationFertilization in VitroFertilization in vitro, HumanFertilization in vitro, Human--Moral and ethical aspectsMicropropagationThe Boston Women’s Health Book Collective was a women’s health organization headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, that published the informational…
OrganizationfeminismReproductive HealthEqual RightsHealth education of womenStarting in 1929, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists was a professional association of physicians in the UK that aimed to improve…
OrganizationWomen's health servicesGynecologyObstetricsContraceptionHamlin Fistula Ethiopia is a nonprofit organization that began in 1974 as a joint endeavor by Reginald and Catherine Hamlin and the Addis Ababa…
OrganizationHamlin, CatherineAddis Ababa Fistula HospitalVesicovaginal FistulaFistulaIn 1991, the United Kingdom established the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) as a response to technologies that used human embryos…
OrganizationEmbryologyReproductive HealthHuman reproductive technologyWarnock, Mary, 1808-1900