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Petr Kropotkin proposed the theory of Pleistocene ice age, alternative theories of evolution based on embryology, and he advocated anarchist and…
EvolutionHeredityInheritance of acquired charactersPaleogeography--PleistoceneAnarchismPaul Kammerer conducted experiments on amphibians and marine animals at the Vivarium, a research institute in Vienna, Austria, in the early twentieth…
Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926. Streitfrage der Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften. EnglishInheritance of acquired charactersAdaptationMidwife toadsIn 1868 in England, Charles Darwin proposed his pangenesis theory to describe the units of inheritance between parents and offspring and the…
HeredityDarwin, Charles, 1809-1882ReproductionEvolutionNatural selection