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In 1996, Michael R. Harrison published “Fetal Surgery” in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the article, Harrison describes the…
LiteratureFetus--SurgeryObstetrics--SurgeryFetus--Abnormalities--TreatmentFetal heart--Abnormalities--DiagnosisIn 1904, physician William Henry Walling published Sexology, a family medicine reference book. In his book, Walling proposed that his guidance would…
LiteratureMasturbationCoitus interruptusSexSexologyIn 1999, the Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises, hereafter the IAWG, wrote the Minimum Initial Services Package, hereafter…
LiteratureRefugee campsChildbirthBirthHIVIn 1999, Joseph Bruner, Susan B. Drummond, Anna L. Meenan, and Ina May Gaskin published, “All-fours Maneuver for Reducing Shoulder Dystocia During…
LiteratureShoulder DystociaMidwiferyBirth InjuriesBirth injuries--ComplicationsIn 2014, Big Belli, a media and social networking brand, released a documentary called 40 Weeks online. The documentary, directed by Christopher…
LiteraturePregnancyConceptionLabor (Obstetrics)Prenatal influencesIn 2008, Barranca Productions released a documentary called The Business of Being Born, detailing the topic of childbirth. Ricki Lake and Abby…
LiteratureChildbirthObstetricsParturitionDelivery (Obstetrics)