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In 1861, William John Little published, “On The Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labors, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the…
LiteratureBirth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticityIn 2015, the Public Broadcasting Service, or PBS, released a three-part documentary series, Twice Born–Stories from the Special Delivery Unit,…
LiteratureFetus--SurgerySpina BifidaTeratomaObstetrics--SurgeryThe article Experimental Studies on Congenital Malformations was published in the Journal of Chronic Diseases in 1959. The author, James G. Wilson,…
LiteratureAbnormalities, HumanBirth DefectsTeratologymalformationsIn 1988, the US Centers for Disease Control published 'Health Status of Vietnam Veterans III. Reproductive Outcomes and Child Health,' which…
LiteratureAgent OrangeHerbicidesSpina BifidaVeterans AdministrationEnvironment and Birth Defects by James Graves Wilson in the US was published in 1973. The book summarized information on the causes of malformations…
LiteratureBirth DefectsAbnormalities, HumanTeratogensTeratologyDevelopmental Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans, was published in 1993 in Environmental Health Perspectives. In the…
LiteratureEndocrine disrupting chemicalsEmbryologyfetal developmentendocrine disruptorsIn Australia in the 1940s, Norman McAlister Gregg observed a connection between pregnant women who contracted the rubella virus, or German measles,…
LiteratureCataract in childrenRubellaRubella in pregnancyRubella virus