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Laparoscopic tubal sterilization is a set of surgical techniques that use laparoscopy to render people with female reproductive systems sterile, or…
Female SterilizationReproductive SterilizationSterilization, ReproductiveReproductive System, FemaleLaparoscopyEndometriosis is a medical condition that involves abnormal growths of tissue resembling the endometrium, which is the tissue that lines the inside…
EndometriosisSampson, John A. (John Albertson), 1873-DysmenorrheaMenstruation disordersReproductive HealthPolycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is one of the most common reproductive conditions in women, and its symptoms include cystic ovaries, menstrual…
Polycystic ovary syndromeHirsutismOligomenorrheaMenstruation DisturbancesAmenorrhea