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Leo Loeb developed an experimental approach to studying cancer and pioneered techniques for tissue culture and in vitro tissue transplantation which…
PeopleMarine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.)Embryology, ExperimentalTissue cultureEmbryosBenjamin Harrison Willier is considered one of the most versatile embryologists to have ever practiced in the US. His research spanned most of the…
TransplantationBiographyHans Spemann was an experimental embryologist best known for his transplantation studies and as the originator of the "organizer" concept. One of his…
PeopleSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941TransplantationBiographyGustav Jacob Born was an experimental embryologist whose original work with amphibians served as the platform for his wax-plate method of embryo…
PeopleTransplantationBiographyAmphibiansIn "Versuche zur Analyse der Induktionsmittel in der Embryonalentwicklung," published in Naturwissenschaften in 1932, Hermann Bautzmann, Johannes…
Organizers, EmbryonicExperimentsTransplantationIn his 1907 paper, "Experiments in Transplanting Limbs and Their Bearing Upon the Problems of the Development of Nerves," in the Journal of…
TransplantationExperimentsFrogsAmphibiansSamuel Randall Detwiler was an embryologist who studied neural development in embryos and vertebrate retinas. He discovered evidence for the…
PeopleTransplantationBiographyNeuronsIn this paper Viktor Hamburger and Rita Levi-Montalcini collaborated to examine the effects of limb transplantation and explantation on neural…
Chickens--EmbryosDevelopmental BiologyCell differentiationEmbryosLevi-Montalcini, Rita