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In 1861, William John Little published, “On The Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labors, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the…
LiteratureBirth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticityOn 1 February 1998, David T. Helm, Sara Miranda, and Naomi Angoff Chedd published “Prenatal Diagnosis of Down Syndrome: Mothers’ Reflections on…
Down syndromeCongenital AbnormalitiesGenetic disorders in pregnancygenetic testingAmniocentesisMethylmercury (MeHg) is an organic form of mercury that can damage the developing brains of human fetuses. Women who consume methylmercury during…
MethylmercuryMercury in the bodyFishes--Mercury contentToxicologyMercuryJames Graves Wilson's six principles of teratology, published in 1959, guide research on teratogenic agents and their effects on developing organisms…
TeratologyAbnormalities, HumanCongenital AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsCongenital DefectsIn 1996, Michael R. Harrison published “Fetal Surgery” in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the article, Harrison describes the…
LiteratureFetus--SurgeryObstetrics--SurgeryFetus--Abnormalities--TreatmentFetal heart--Abnormalities--DiagnosisWilliam John Little was one of the first orthopedic surgeons to research congenital malformations and their causes in the nineteenth century and…
Birth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticitySpasticityVitamin A (retinol) is an essential vitamin in the daily functioning of human beings that helps regulate cellular differentiation of epithelial…
RetinoidsVitamin A in the bodyTeratogenicity testingAbnormalities, HumanTeratogenic agentsThalidomide is a sedative drug introduced to European markets on 1 October 1957 after extensive testing on rodent embryos to ensure its safety. Early…
ContextTeratogenicity testingAbnormalities, HumanThalidomide--Side effectsThalidomide