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Charles Robert Cantor helped sequence the human genome, and he developed methods to non-invasively determine the genes in human fetuses. Cantor…
Human Genome ProjectDNAfetal developmentFetusEmbryosIn its 1993 decision Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the US Supreme Court established the Daubert Standard for evaluating the…
LawBendectin (Trademark)Morning SicknessSedativesAbnormalities, HumanTheodora Colborn studied how chemicals affect organisms as they develop and reproduce during the twentieth and twenty first centuries in the US. By…
endocrine disruptorsEndocrine disrupting chemicalsPollutantsEndocrine toxicologyEndocrine SystemIn the legal case In re Agent Orange Product Liability Litigation of the early 1980s, US military veterans of the Vietnam War sued the US chemical…
LawProducts liability--Agent OrangeAgent OrangeVeteransAgent Orange--ToxicologyIn 1996, the US Congress mandated that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) create and regulate the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.…
Endocrine disrupting chemicalsEndocrine toxicologyDevelopmental endocrinologyEndocrine SystemHormonesEdward Charles Dodds researched the function and effects of natural and artificial hormones on the endocrine system in England during the twentieth…
Dodds, E. C. (Edward Charles), 1899-EndocrinologyEstrogenDiethylstilbestrolDiethylstilbestrol--Carcinogenicity