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Walter Schiller studied the causes of diseases in the US and Austria in the early twentieth century and in 1928, invented the Schiller test, or a way…
Cervix uteri--CancerCervical CancerIodineGlycogenCervix uteriIn 1913, journalist Samuel Hopkins Adams published “What Can We Do About Cancer? The Most Vital and Insistent Question in the Medical World,”…
LiteratureCervix uteri--CancerBreast--Cancer--Patients--CareBreast--Cancer--Patients--Counseling ofBreast--Cancer--SurgeryThis thesis answers the following question: How does the history of cervical cancer show that prevention helps reduce rates of cancer-related deaths…
Cervix uteri--CancerCervical CancerCancerHistory of MedicineMedicine, HistoryOn 15 April 1999, physician Gillian Thomas published the editorial “Improved Treatment for Cervical Cancer – Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy…
LiteratureCervix uteri--CancerCervical CancerPelvisPapillomavirusesIn 1930, physician Joseph Colt Bloodgood founded the Amanda Sims Memorial Fund, or the ASMF, a United States cancer awareness organization that…
OrganizationCervix uteri--CancerCervical CancerWomen's health servicesWomen's health services--United StatesIan Hector Frazer studied the human immune system and vaccines in Brisbane, Australia, and helped invent and patent the scientific process and…
PeopleHIV infectionsHIV-positive personsHIV (Viruses)Vaccines industry