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In 1991, the US National Institutes of Health, or NIH, launched the Women’s Health Initiative, or WHI, which is one of the largest and one of the…
MenopausepostmenopauseHormone Replacement Therapy, Post-MenopausalOsteoporosis, PostmenopausalEstrogen Replacement TherapyIn 1998, researchers Laura Mazzanti and Emanuele Cacciari published “Congenital Heart Disease in Patients with Turner’s Syndrome,” hereafter “…
Turner SyndromeTurner’s syndromeHeart Defects Congenital Heart DefectsGenetic DiseasesIn 1938, physician Henry Hubert Turner published “A Syndrome of Infantilism, Congenital Webbed Neck, and Cubitus Valgus,” hereafter “A Syndrome of…
Turner SyndromeNoonan SyndromeFemale Pseudo-Turner SyndromeInfantilism, GenitalGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone