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Established under the Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) Act of 2004, Assisted Human Reproduction Canada (AHRC), also known as the Assisted Human…
OrganizationReproductive Techniques, AssistedOrganizationsReproductionReproductive RightsFather Frank Pavone, a key proponent of the Roman Catholic Church's pro-life movement, has devoted his life's work to ending abortion, euthanasia,…
PeoplereligionReproductionBiographyCatholicismThe "Humanae Vitae," meaning "Of Human Life" and subtitled "On the Regulation of Birth," was an encyclical promulgated in Rome, Italy, on 25 July…
LiteratureReproductive RightsreligionReproductionCatholicismKnown for dropping a long-held distinction in the Catholic Church between the animated and unanimated fetus, Felice Peretti was born in Grottamare,…
PeoplereligionReproductionCatholicismPopesPope John Paul II's views on abortion and embryology have been very influential to the Roman Catholic Church. He strictly forbade abortion and other…