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The term homunculus is Latin for "little man." It is used in neurology today to describe the map in the brain of sensory neurons in each part of the…
Victor Albrecht von Haller was an 18th century scientist who did extensive work in the life sciences, including anatomy and physiology, botany, and…
OvumOvaFetusAristotle's On the Generation of Animals is referred to in Latin as De Generatione animalium. As with many of Aristotle's writings, the exact date of…
LiteratureReproductionPublicationsphilosophyPreformationism was a theory of embryological development used in the late seventeenth through the late eighteenth centuries. This theory held that…
OvaSpermCharles Bonnet was a naturalist and philosopher in the mid eighteenth century. His most important contribution to embryology was the discovery of…
PeopleParthenogenesisBiographyNicolaas Hartsoeker, a Dutch astronomer, optics manufacturer, and naturalist, was born 26 March 1656 in Gouda, Netherlands, and died 10 December 1725…
PeopleHartsoeker, Nicolas, 1656-1725SpermatozoaBiographySpermSpermism was one of two models of preformationism, a theory of embryo generation prevalent in the late seventeenth through the end of the eighteenth…