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Jacques Loeb is best known for his embryological work investigating parthenogenesis in invertebrates. Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization is…
LiteratureParthenogenesisPublicationsFertilizationSand dollars are common marine invertebrates in the phylum Echinodermata and share the same class (Echinoidea) as sea urchins. They have served as…
Sand DollarsFertilizationInvertebratesErnest Everett Just was an early twentieth century American experimental embryologist involved in research at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)…
FertilizationBiographyInvertebratesFrank R. Lillie was born in Toronto, Canada, on 27 June 1870. His mother was Emily Ann Rattray and his father was George Waddell Little, an…
PeopleLillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947BiographyLaboratoriesCell LineageGustav Jacob Born was an experimental embryologist whose original work with amphibians served as the platform for his wax-plate method of embryo…
PeopleTransplantationBiographyAmphibiansPossums is a 174-page book consisting of a series of essays written about the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), the only living marsupial in…
LiteratureVirginia opossumEmbryologyMarsupialsNatural historyThe Carnegie Institution of Washington's (CIW) Embryology Department was opened in 1914 and remains one of six departments in the CIW. The…
OrganizationOrganizationsEducationCarnegie Institution of WashingtonHans Spemann was an experimental embryologist best known for his transplantation studies and as the originator of the "organizer" concept. One of his…
PeopleSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941TransplantationBiographyBenjamin Harrison Willier is considered one of the most versatile embryologists to have ever practiced in the US. His research spanned most of the…
TransplantationBiographyOsborne O. Heard was a noted Carnegie embryological model maker for the Department of Embryology at The Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW),…
PeopleCarnegie Institution of WashingtonBiographyModels