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Michael R. Harrison worked as a pediatric surgeon in the US throughout the late-twentieth century and performed many fetal surgeries, including one…
Birth DefectsAbnormalities, HumanPediatric surgeonsMyelomeningoceleSpinal DysraphismIn 1861, William John Little published, “On The Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labors, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the…
LiteratureBirth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticityWilliam John Little was one of the first orthopedic surgeons to research congenital malformations and their causes in the nineteenth century and…
Birth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticitySpasticity