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Emma Goldman was a traveling public speaker and writer known for her anarchist political views as well as her opinions on contraception and birth…
AnarchismReproductive RightsAbortionBirth ControlHomestead Strike, Homestead, Pa., 1892In the 1990 case Hodgson v. Minnesota, the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., upheld Minnesota statute 144.343, which required physicians to…
LawAbortionBirth control clinicsReproductive RightsAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesIn the spring of 1841, abortionist Ann Lohman, called Madame Restell, was convicted for crimes against one of her abortion clients, Maria Purdy. In a…
AbortionReproductive RightsThe Jane Collective was an underground organization that provided illegal abortion services in Chicago, Illinois, from 1969 until abortions became…
OrganizationsAbortionReproductive RightsSexual rightsInduced AbortionHarvey Karman was an abortionist, inventor, and activist for safe abortion techniques in the US during the twentieth century. Karman developed the…
AbortionMenstrual regulationReproductive RightsLate-term abortionInternational Planned Parenthood FederationEvelyn Lorraine Rothman advocated for women’s reproductive rights and invented at-home kits for women’s health concerns in the late twentieth century…
Downer, CarolAbortionObstetricsBirth ControlMenstrual regulationJane Elizabeth Hodgson was a physician who advocated for abortion rights in the twentieth century in the United States. In November of 1970, Hodgson…
AbortionInduced AbortionBirth ControlReproductive RightsContraception